16 December 2010

Sayings about Karbala

Sayings about Karbala



1.  The angel Gabriel narrated to Prophet Muhammad (asws) that:

"Karbala, where your grandson and his family will be martyred, is the one of the most blessed and the most sacred land on Earth and it is one of the valleys of Paradise."

Reference:  Kamill al-Ziyarat. pg. 545


2.  The fourth Shia Imam Zain-ul-abideen (asws) narrated:

"God chose the land of Karbala as a safe and blessed sanctuary twenty-four thousand years before He created the land of the Kabah and chose it as a sanctuary. Verily it will shine among the gardens of Paradise like a shining star shines among the stars for the people of Earth."

Reference: Kamill al-Ziyarat pg. 534.


3.  In this regard, Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) narrates:

'Allah, the Almighty, has made the dust of my ancestor's grave - Imam Husain (asws) as a cure for every sickness and safety from every fear.'

Reference: Amali vol. 1 pg. 326


4.  It is narrated from Imam Jafar-e- Sadiq (asws):

 'The earth of the pure and holy grave of Imam Husain (asws) is a pure and blessed musk. For those who consume it from among our Shias, it is a cure for every ailment, and if our enemy uses it then he will melt the way fat melts, when you intend to consume that pure earth recite the following supplication…'

Reference: Mustadrakul Wasail, vol. 10, pg 339-40 tradition 2; or pg.189; Behar-ul- Anwar vol. 101, tradition 60


5.  Imam Abu Abdullahasws (Al Sadiq) said:

O Zurarah! The heavens cried for forty days with blood (weeping) over Imam Hussainasws ; the earth cried for forty days by being covered with darkness; the sun cried for forty days by being in eclipse and turning red; the mountains were torn apart and dispersed; the seas gushed out and the angles cried for forty days over himasws. 

(After Imam Hussainasws Shahadat) all of our Women stopped dying their hair, using kohl, applying oil, and styling their hair until the head of Ubaydallah ibn Ziyadla was sent to us; and even after that we (all) continued to weep over himasws.

Reference: Kamil uz Ziaraat Chapter 26, H.6


6.  Imam Baqir (A.S.) said:

Amirul Mu'mineen Ali(A.S.), along with two of his companions, happened to pass by Karbala and as he did so, tears filled his eyes. He said (to them), "This is the resting place of their animals; and this is where their luggage shall be laid down; and it is here that their blood shall be shed. Blessed are you O' Earth, that the blood of the beloved shall be spilled upon you."

Refrence: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.: 44, pg.: 258


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